The Georgia Institute of Technology is working closely with stakeholders on the Sidewalk Quality Assessment Project to produce an end product that best serves the community. Researchers are working with volunteers including high school students as part of the outreach and education component of the project allowing Atlantans to become part of the process of making our city more livable.
Stakeholders are involved throughout the planning and development stages of the project, through data collection deployments and analysis. Those involved include local and regional groups and institutions as well as community members from around the Greater Atlanta Region.
Engagement throughout the research development and deployment will enable implementation of the sidewalk quality assessment system research to improve pedestrian facility planning and asset management on a local, regional and state level.
Members of the research team regularly attend neighborhood association and Neighborhood Planning Unit meetings to keep local communities informed about data collection efforts and provide opportunities for community volunteer involvement.

Students at Decatur High School are participating in a volunteer initiative over the summer to learn about the research project, design data collection routes, and collect field data in Decatur. They are working with undergraduate and graduate researchers from Georgia Tech in small groups encouraging active learning, discussion, and interaction on an individual basis.

Supporters and Stakeholders include:
Georgia Department of Transportation
Southern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center