Randall L. Guensler
Affinity Group: Transportation Systems Engineering
Office: SEB 224
Phone: (404) 894-0405
- Wolf, J., Guensler, R., and Bachman, W., 2001. Elimination of the Travel Diary: Experiment to Derive Trip Purpose from GPS Travel Data; Transportation Research Record; No. 1768; pp. 125-134.
- Hallmark, S. and R. Guensler , 2001. “Characterizing Operating Mode Fractions for Passenger Vehicles”, Transportation Research D, 7-2, p.81-89
- Guensler, R., 2000. Motor Vehicle Emissions Control and Traffic Flow Improvement; In: Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy.
- Bachman, W., Sarasua, W., Hallmark, S., and Guensler, R., 2000. Modeling Regional Mobile Source Emissions in a GIS Framework; Transportation Research C; Volume 8, Issue 1-6, pp. 205-229.
- Hallmark, S., Bachman, W., and Guensler, R., 2000. Assessing the Impacts of Improved Signal Timing as a Transportation Control Measure Using an Activity-Specific Modeling Approach; Transportation Research Record; No. 1738; pp. 49-55.
- Bachman, W., W. Sarasua, S. Hallmark, and R. Guensler, 2000. “”Modeling Regional Mobile Source Emissions in a Geographic Information System Framework””, Transportation Research C, , , 8- , p.205-229
- Hallmark, S., W. Bachman, and R. Guensler (2000). ; No. 1738; pp. 49-55. , 2000. “”Assessing the Impacts of Improved Signal Timing as a Transportation Control Measure Using an Activity-Specific Modeling Approach””, Transportation Research Record, , , -1738, p.49-55
- Fomunung, I., S. Washington, R. Guensler, and W. Bachman (2000).”Validation of the “MEASURE” Automobile Emissions Model, – A Statistical Analysis”; Journal of Transportation Statistics; Volume 3, No. 2; pp. 65-84.
- Fomunung, I., Washington, S., and Guensler, R., 1999. A Statistical Model for Estimating Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions from Light-Duty Motor Vehicles; Transportation Research D, Volume 4D, No. 5; pp. 333-352. September.
- Fomunung, I., Washington, S., and Guensler, R., 1999. Comparison of MEASURE and MOBILE5a Predictions with Laboratory Measurements of Vehicle Emission Factors; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality IV; Arun Chatterjee, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY.
- Grant, C., Gillis, B., and Guensler, R., 1999. Collection of Vehicle Activity Data by Video Detection for use in Transportation Planning; ITS Journal; Volume 5, Number 4.
- Guensler, R., and Wolf, J.,1999. Development of a Handheld Electronic Travel Diary for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Wolf, J., Hallmark, S., Oliveira, M., Guensler, R., and Sarasua, W., 1999. Accuracy Issues with Personal Travel Route Data Using GPS/GIS. Transportation Research Record; Improving Transportation Data; No. 1660; pp. 66-74.
- Wolf, J., S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, R. Guensler, and W. Sarasua , 1999. “”Accuracy Issues with Personal Travel Route Data Using GPS/GIS””, Transportation Research Record, , , -1660, p.66-74
- Fomunung, I., S. Washington, and R. Guensler (1999).”A Statistical Model for Estimating Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions from Light-Duty Motor Vehicles”; Transportation Research D, Volume 4D, No. 5; pp. 333-352.September.
- Grant, C., B. Gillis, and R. (1999).”Collection of Vehicle Activity Data by Video Detection for use in Transportation Planning”; ITS Journal; Volume 5, Number 4.
- Guensler, R., J. Leonard, and J. Dunning Jr. (1999).”TransNet: The Transportation Research Internet Cooperative”.IEEE Transactions on Education; Volume 42, No. 4; p. 358.1999 Rapid Publication Supplement.November.
- Hallmark, S. and R. Guensler (1999).”Comparison of Speed-Acceleration Profiles from Field Data with NETSIM Output for Modal Air Quality Analysis of Signalized Intersections”; Transportation Research Record; Energy, Air Quality and Fuels 1999; No. 1664; pp. 40-46.
- Guensler, R., 1998. Increasing Vehicle Occupancy in the United States; In: LAvenir Des Deplacements en Ville (The Future of Urban Travel); Odile Andan, et al., Eds.; Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports; Lyon, France; Tome 2; pp. 127-155.
- Guensler, R., Bachman, W., and Washington, S., 1998. An Overview of the MEASURE GIS-Based Modal Emissions Model; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality III; Tom Wholley, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY; pp. 51-70.
- Hallmark, S., Guensler, R., and Leonard, J., 1998. Stopline Distributions of Speed and Acceleration for Signalized Intersections (98-TAA.02P (A272)); Air and Waste Management Association, 91st Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Bachman, W., J. Granell, R. Guensler, and J. Leonard (1998).”Research Needs In Determining Spatially Resolved Subfleet Characteristics”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1625; pp. 139-146; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Karim, M., H. Matsui, and R. Guensler (1998).”A Mathematical Model of Wind Flow, Vehicle Wake, and Pollutant Concentration in Urban Road Microenvironments: Part II – Model Results”; Transportation Research Part D, Volume 3, Number 3; June; pp. 171-179.
- Ross, C., P. Stevens, and R.Guensler (1998).”Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Activity in Metropolitan Atlanta”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1625; pp. 165-172; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Wolf, J., R. Guensler and S. Washington (1998).”High Emitting Vehicle Characterization Using Regression Tree Analysis”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1641; pp. 58-65; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Awuah-Baffour, R., W. Sarasua, K. K. Dixon, W. Bachman, and R. Guensler (1997).”Global Positioning System with an Attitude: Method for Collecting Roadway Grade and Superelevation Data”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1592; pp. 144-150; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Washington, S., J. Wolf and R.Guensler (1997).”A Binary Recursive Partitioning Method for Modeling Hot-Stabilized Emissions from Motor Vehicles”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1587; pp. 96-105; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Bachman, W., W. Sarasua, and R. Guensler (1996).”GIS Framework for Mobile Source Emissions Modeling”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1551; pp. 123-132; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Guensler, R., and D. Bernstein (1996).”Transportation Resources on the Internet; ITE Journal; Institute of Transportation Engineers; Washington, DC. pp. 42-48, March.
- LeBlanc, D., F. M. Saunders, M. D. Meyer, and R. Guensler (1995).”Driving Pattern Variability and Potential Impacts on Vehicle CO Emissions”, Transportation Research Record; Number 1472; pp. 45-52; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Shaheen, S., R. Guensler, and F. Mar (1995).”Concurrent Air Quality Analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act and Transportation/Air Quality Conformity”; Transportation Quarterly; Volume 49, Number 4; Fall.
- Washington, S., and R. Guensler (1995).”Statistical Assessment of Vehicular Carbon Monoxide Emission Prediction Algorithms”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1472; pp. 61-68; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Guensler, R. (1994).”Loopholes for Air Pollution”; ITS Review; University of California, Berkeley; Berkeley, CA; November/December.
- Guensler, R. (1993).”Critical Research Needs in Land Use, Transportation, and Air Quality”; TR News; Number 167; National Research Council, Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; July-August.
- Nelson, C., S. Siwek, R. Guensler, and K. Michelson (1991).”Managing Trucks for Air Quality: Current Work in Progress”; Transportation Research Record; Number 1312; pp. 50-58; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC.
- Guensler, R. (1990).”Proposed Mobile Source Offset Provisions May Negatively Impact Air Quality”; Environs; Volume 4, Number 1; King Hall, School of Law, University of California at Davis; Davis, CA; May.
- Li, H., J. Ogle, and R. Guensler (manuscript); Gathering Drivers Trip Purpose and Route Choice Information Using GPS-based Travel Data; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
- Ogle, J., J. Ko, and Randall Guensler (manuscript).Travel Diary Underreporting in the Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle Study; Journal of the American Planning Association.
- Li H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (in press).An Analysis of Morning Commute Route Choice Patterns Using GPS Based Vehicle Activity Data; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
- Ogle, J., Guensler, R., and V. Elango (in press).Commute Atlanta Value Pricing Program:Recruitment Methods and Travel Diary Response Rates; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
- Yoon, S., H. Li, J. Jun, J. Ogle, R. Guensler, and M. Rodgers (in press). A Methodology for Developing Transit Bus Speed-Acceleration Matrices to be used in Load-Based Mobile Source Emissions Models; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
- Ko, J., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (in press).Variability in Traffic Flow Quality Experienced by Drivers: Evidence from Instrumented Vehicles; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
- Guensler, Randall (partial manuscript). “Transportation Planning and Air Quality”, Energy Foundation; 2005.
- Bachman, W., W. Sarasua, S. Hallmark, and R. Guensler , 2000. “”Modeling Regional Mobile Source Emissions in a Geographic Information System Framework””, Geographic Information Systems in Transportation Research, Elsevier Science, , – , p.
- Guensler, R. (2000). “Motor Vehicle Emissions Control”; In: Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy.
- Guensler, R. (2000). “Traffic Flow Improvement”; In: Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy.
- Fomunung, I., S. Washington, and R. Guensler (1999). “Comparison of MEASURE, and MOBILE5a Predictions with Laboratory Measurements of Vehicle Emission Factors”; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality IV; Arun Chatterjee, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY.
- Guensler, R., Odile Andan, et al., Eds., 1998. ” “Increasing Vehicle Occupancy in the United States””, L’Avenir Des Deplacements en Ville (The Future of Urban Travel, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports, , – , p.127-155
- Guensler, R., W. Bachman and S. Washington (1998). “An Overview of the MEASURE GIS-Based Modal Emissions Model”; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality III; Tom Wholley, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY; pp. 51-70.
- Guensler, R., and D. Sperling (1994). “Congestion Pricing and Motor Vehicle Emissions: An Initial Review”; In: Curbing Gridlock: Peak Period Fees to Relieve Traffic Congestion, Volume 2; pp. 356-379; National Academy Press; Washington, DC.
- Guensler, R. (1993). “Data Needs for Evolving Motor Vehicle Emission Modeling Approaches”; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality II; Paul Benson, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY.
- Washington, S., R. Guensler, and D. Sperling (1993). “Emission Impacts of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems”; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality II; Paul Benson, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (accepted). Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs: 2007 Status Report (Real-Time Congestion Pricing); 17th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- Indech-Nelson, J., K. Zuehlke, K., and R. Guensler (accepted). A Comparison of Geocoding Methodologies for Transportation Planning Applications; 11th TRB National Transportation Planning Applications; Daytona Beach, FL. May, 2007.
- Zuehlke, K. and R. Guensler (2007). Employer Perception of Employer-Based Trip Reduction Program Implementation. 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007. [Paper is being considered for publication in Transportation Research Record].
- Jun, J., J. Ogle, and R. Guensler (2007). Comparing Driving Behaviors between Crash-Involved and Crash-Not-Involved Drivers among Elderly Drivers. 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007. [Paper is being considered for publication in Transportation Research Record].
- Li, H., R. Guensler and J. Jun (2007). Long-Distance Travel Analysis Based on 2004 Commute Atlanta Data. 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007. [Paper is being considered for publication in Transportation Research Record].
- Jeon, C.M., A. Amekudzi, R. Guensler (2007). Evaluating Transportation System Sustainability: Atlanta Metropolitan Region (submitted). 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
- Ko, J., Hunter, M., and Guensler, R. (2007), Measurement of Control Delay Using Second-by-Second GPS Speed Data, 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
- Yoon, S., V. Elango, R. Guensler, and S. Kimbrough (abstract accepted); “Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Engine Load Estimation: Development of Vehicle Activity Optimization Algorithms”; Air and Waste Management Association, 99th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June 2006.
- Guensler, R., S. Yoon, and H. Li (abstract accepted). A Transit Bus Dispatch Decision Making Process for the Atlanta Metropolitan Area; Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Building and Civil Engineering. Ontario, Canada. June 2006.
- Ko, J., R. Guensler, M. Hunter, and H. Li (2006). Instrumented Vehicle Measured Speed Variation and Freeway Traffic Congestion; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Chicago, IL. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. August, 2006.
- Li, H., R. Guensler, and V. Elango (abstract accepted). A Long Distance Travel Behavior Study using GPS-Based Vehicle Activity Data. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Chicago, IL. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. August, 2006.
- Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (abstract accepted). Application of Passive GPS-Based In-Vehicle Data Collection Units in Travel Behavior Studies. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Chicago, IL. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY. August, 2006.
- Jun, J., S. Yoon, and R. Guensler (2006); “Impacts of Acceleration Calculation Methods on Onroad Vehicle Engine Power Estimation”; Air and Waste Management Association, 99th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June 2006.
- Yoon, S., J. Pearson, R. Guensler, and M.O. Rodgers (2006). A New Heavy-Duty Vehicle Visual Classification: Impact upon Regional Mobile Source Emissions Inventories; Published in CD-ROM of the Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
- Li H., R. Guensler and J. Ogle (2006). Impact of Objective Route Attributes on the Choice of Primary Morning Commute Route; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
- S. Schoenfelder, H. Li, R. Guensler, J. Ogle, K.W. Axhausen (2006). Analysis of Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle GPS Data: Destination Choice Behavior and Activity Spaces; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
- Fujimoto, R., R. Guensler, M. Hunter, H.K. Kim, J. Lee, J. Leonard, M. Palekar, K. Schwan, and B. Seshasayee (2006); “Dynamic Data Driven Application Simulation of Surface Transportation Systems”; DDAS Workshop, International Conference on Computational Science; University of Reading, UK. May.
- Yoon, S., H. Li, V.V. Elango, R. Guensler, and M.O. Rodgers (2006). Impact of Road Grade on Moves Light-Duty Vehicle-Specific Power Distributions; 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Yoon, S., H. Li, V.V. Elango, R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers (2006). Atlanta Commute Vehicle Soak/Start Time Distributions and Engine Starts Per Day: Impact on Mobile6.2 Emission Rates; 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Yoon, S., C. Feng, V.V. Elango, R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers (2006). A Sensitivity Analysis of the Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Modal Emission Model; 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2006). Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs: 2006 Status Report (and Road Pricing Update); 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Wu, H., R. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, M. Hunter (2005). An Architecture Study of Infrastructure-Based Vehicular Networks. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) held in Montreal, Canada. American Society of Computing, New York, NY. October.
- Wu, H., R. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, M. Hunter (2005). An Empirical Study of Short Range Communications for Vehicles. VANET, Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks held in Koeln, Germany. Association of Computing Machinery, New York, NY; September.
- Lee, J., M. Hunter, J. Ko, R. Guensler, and H.K. Kim, (2005), Large-Scale Microscopic Simulation Model Development Utilizing Macroscopic Travel Demand Model Data, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 02-04.
- Yoon, S., R. Guensler, and C. Feng (2005); Transit Bus Load-Based Emissions Simulations: Developing Speed-Acceleration-Road Grade-Weight Matrices Integrated with Traffic Conditions; Air and Waste Management Association, 98th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Feng, C., L. DeHart-Davis, and R. Guensler (2005); Survey Design and Preliminary Results for Atlanta Employer Commute Options Survey; Air and Waste Management Association, 98th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Ko, J. and R. Guensler (2005); Characterization of Congestion Based on Speed Distribution: A Statistical Approach Using Gaussian Mixture Model; Published in CD-ROM of the Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005). Comparing Women’s and Men’s Morning Commute Trip Chaining in Atlanta, Georgia; Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Conference Proceedings 35; Volume 2: Technical Papers. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies; Washington, DC.
- Black, K.N., F. Divita, Jr., R. Margiotta, R. Guensler (2004); Correlating Particulate Matter Mobile Source Emissions to Ambient Air Quality; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 2004 EPA/AWMA Emissions Inventory Conference; A Specialty Conference Sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Air and Waste Management Association; Research Triangle Park, NC.
- Fitzgibbons, B., R. M. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, M. Hunter, A. Park, H. Wu (2004). “Distributed Simulation Testbed for Intelligent Transportation System Design and Analysis,” National Conference on Digital Government Research. May.
- Fitzgibbons, B., R. M. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, M. Hunter, A. Park, H. Wu (2004). “Simulation-Based Operations Planning for Regional Transportation Systems,” National Conference on Digital Government Research. May.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2004). “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs: 2004 Status Report”; 14th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. March.
- Guensler, R., K. Dixon, V. Elango, and S. Yoon (2004); MOBILE-Matrix: Georgias Statewide Rural Application; Little Data – Big Needs: Tools for Air Quality Planning in Small, Medium, and Rural Communities; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Specialty Conference; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC. January.
- Ko, J. and R. Guensler (2004); Application of the GARCH Model for Depicting Driver Acceleration Behavior on Freeways; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Guensler, R. (2003). Pay-as-you-drive Automobile Insurance: Regulatory/Technical Issues, and Ongoing Research Efforts; 2003 Casualty Actuarial Society Spring Meeting; Marco Island, FL. May.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2003). “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs: 2003 Status Report”; 13th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Granell, J., Guensler, R., and Bachman, W., 2002. Using Locality-Specific Fleet Distributions in Emissions Inventories: Current Practice, Problems and Alternatives; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Granell, J., Guensler, R., Bachman, W., 2002. VIN Decoder Software Limitations for Fleet Characterization in Emissions Modeling; Air and Waste Management Association, 94th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Granell, J., R. Guensler, and W. H. Bachman (2002). “Using Locality-Specific Fleet Distributions in Emissions Inventories: Current Practice, Problems and Alternatives”; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Granell, J., R. Guensler, and W. H. Bachman (2002). “VIN Decoder Software Limitations for Fleet Characterization in Emissions Modeling”; Air and Waste Management Association, 94th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2002). “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs: 2002 Status Report”; 12th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. April.
- Guensler, R., B. Williams, and J. Ogle (2002). “The Role of Instrumented Vehicle Data in Transportation Decision Making”; Fourth International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. London, England. November 2002.
- Guensler, R., J. Ogle, and S. Washington (2001). “The Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle Intensive”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 11th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA. March.
- Washington, S., R. Guensler, and D. Sperling (1993). “Assessing the Emission Impacts of IVHS in an Uncertain Future”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the World Car 2001 Conference; pp. 403-414; Department of Civil Engineering; University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA; June.
- Fomunung, I., S. Washington, and R. Guensler, and W. Bachman , 2000. “Performance Evaluation of MEASURE Emission Factors – Comparison with MOBILE”, 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, , Washington, DC, – , p.CD-ROM
- Thornton, M., and R. Guensler , 2000. “Vehicle Modal Activity on Freeway Loop On-Ramps: Inputs to the Development of a Ramp Drive Cycle to Determine the Vehicle Emissions Impacts of Ramp Metering” “, 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, , Washington, DC, – , p.CD-ROM
- Bachman, W., R. Guensler, and M. O. Rodgers (2000). “MEASURE: Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 10th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- Guensler, R., K. Dixon, M. Thornton, S. Hallmark, and W. Bachman (2000). “Applications of Modal Emission Rate Models in Transportation Infrastructure Decision Making”; Second International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. Lyon, France. November.
- Guensler, R., M. Rodgers, J. Leonard II, and W. Bachman (2000). “A Large Scale Gridded Application of the CALINE4 Dispersion Model”; In: Transportation Planning and Air Quality IV; Arun Chatterjee, Ed.; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY.
- Hallmark, S. and R. Guensler (2000). “Forecasting Dynamic Passenger Car Activity at Signalized Intersections for Enhanced Mobile Source Emission Modeling”; Air and Waste Management Association, 93rd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, and L. Frank (1999). “The Use of Electronic Travel Diaries and Vehicle Instrumentation Packages in the Year 2000 Atlanta Regional Household Travel Survey”; Conference ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Personal Travel: The Long and Short of It; TRB National Data Task Force; Washington DC, June.
- Guensler, R. and J. Wolf , 1999. “Development of a Handheld Electronic Travel Diary for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior” “, 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, , Washington, DC, – , p.Published in CD-ROM.
- Guensler, R. (1999). “Motor Vehicle Emissions”; Workshop on Microscale Air Quality Impact Assessment for Transportation Projects; Transportation Research Board, Committee on Transportation and Air Quality; January.
- Guensler, R. and R. Ireson (1999). “MOBILE5a”; Workshop on Microscale Air Quality Impact Assessment for Transportation Projects; Transportation Research Board, Committee on Transportation and Air Quality; January.
- Guensler, R., ed. (1999). Workshop on Microscale Air Quality Impact Assessment for Transportation Projects; Transportation Research Board, Committee on Transportation and Air Quality; January.
- Chinowsky, P. and R. Guensler (1998). “Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Education through Environmental Impact Analysis”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the American Society of Engineering Educators 1998 Southeastern Section Meeting, J.P. Mohsen (ed.); pp. 79-84; Orlando, FL.
- Guensler, R. (1998). “Increasing Vehicle Occupancy in the United States”; L’Avenir Des Deplacements en Ville (The Future of Urban Travel); Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports; Lyon, France; December.
- Guensler, R., and S. Washington (1998). “Engine Start Emission Rates Derived from FTP Data”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 8th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- Hallmark, S. L., R. Guensler, and J. D. Leonard II (1998). “Stopline Distributions of Speed and Acceleration for Signalized Intersections” (98-TAA.02P (A272)); Air and Waste Management Association, 91st Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Thornton, M., R. Guensler, and P. Schropp (1998). “The Development of an Urban Commercial Vehicles Travel Model and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Model for the Atlanta Region”; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Ahanotu, D. and R. Guensler (1997). “Atlanta’s Heavy Duty Truck Studies”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1997 EPA/AWMA Emissions Inventory Conference; A Specialty Conference Sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Air and Waste Management Association; Research Triangle Park, NC; October.
- Grant, C., R. Guensler, K. Dixon, and J. Metarko (1997). “Use of Video Detection Systems for Collection of Vehicle Activity Data in Emissions Modeling”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 8th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- Guensler, R., W, Bachman, S. Washington, M. O. Rodgers, and M. D. Meyer (1997). “Motor Vehicle Activity and Emissions Algorithms in the Georgia Tech GIS-Based Modal Emissions Model”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 8th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- R. Guensler, P. Chinowsky, C. Conklin (1997). “Development of a Web-Based Environmental Impact, Monitoring and Assessment Course”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Educators; Madison, WI; June.
- Bachman, W. and R. Guensler (1996). “Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Onroad Fleet Distributions”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the Summer Meeting of the Transportation and Air Quality Committee (A1F03) of the Transportation Research Board; Irvine, CA; July.
- Bachman, W., W. A. Sarasua, S. Washington, R. Guensler, S. Hallmark, and M. D. Meyer (1996). “Integrating Travel Demand Forecasting Models with GIS to Estimate Hot Stabilized Mobile Source Emissions”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1996 AASHTO GIS-T Symposium, Kansas City, MO, April.
- Grant, C., R. Guensler, and D. Ahanotu (1996). “Variability of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operating Mode Frequencies for Prediction of Mobile Emissions”; Air and Waste Management Association, 89th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Grant, C.; R. Guensler, S. Washington, and W. Sarasua (1996). “Cross-Validation of Modal Vehicle Activity Data Using Remote and Onboard Instrumentation”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 6th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.
- Guensler, R. (1996). “Facilitating Workgroup Activities Through the Internet”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the ASCE Third Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering; Anaheim, CA; American Society of Civil Engineers; New York, NY; June.
- Guensler, R. (1996). “Emissions Modeling Research Needs: Based Upon Experience in Developing the Georgia Tech GIS-Based Modal Emissions Model”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the Summer Meeting of the Transportation and Air Quality Committee (A1F03) of the Transportation Research Board; Irvine, CA; July.
- Karim, M., H. Matsui, and R. Guensler (1996). “Achievements of a Carbon Monoxide Dispersion Model in Calculating Micro-Environmental Traffic Pollutant Concentrations”; Air and Waste Management Association, 89th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Sarasua, W., R. Awuah-Baffour, R. Guensler, and W. Bachman (1996). “Use of GPS and GIS to Incorporate Grade and Vehicle Location Into Transportation Air Quality Modeling”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 6th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.
- Transportation and Air Quality Workgroup (1997). “1996 Air Quality Research Needs Statements; Environmental Research Needs in Transportation; Invitational Conference; National Research Council, Transportation Research Board Circular 469; Washington, DC; March.
- Washington, S., J. Wolf, and R. Guensler (1996). “Exploratory Methods for Modeling Hot Stabilized Emissions From Motor Vehicles”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the Summer Meeting of the Transportation and Air Quality Committee (A1F03) of the Transportation Research Board; Irvine, CA; July.
- Ahanotu, D., R. Guensler, T. Bettger, M. D. Meyer, and C. Grant (1995). “Heavy-Duty Truck Activity Research in Atlanta; The Emission Inventory: Programs and Progress”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1995 Air and Waste Management Association and US Environmental Protection Agency Specialty Conference; Research Triangle Park, NC; October.
- Bachman, W., R. Guensler, and D. Kasbo (1995). “Spatial and Temporal Modeling of Start and Soak Emissions”; The Emission Inventory: Programs and Progress; A Specialty Conference Sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Air and Waste Management Association; Research Triangle Park, NC; October.
- Guensler, R., and J.D. Leonard II (1995). “A Monte Carlo Technique for Assessing Motor Vehicle Emission Model Uncertainty”; Transportation Congress, Volume 2; American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY; October.
- Guensler, R., and W. Bachman (1995). “Developing New Engine Start Emissions Modules”; 5th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; April.
- Shaheen, S., R. Guensler and S. Washington (1994). “Vehicle Scrappage Programs: Are Some Sectors of Society Paying More for Cleaner Air?”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 19th Annual Conference and Exposition; National Association of Environmental Professionals; Washington, DC; June.
- Shaheen, S., R. Guensler, and F. Mar (1994). “NEPA and Transportation/Air Quality Conformity”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings, “Coping with Conformity,” 1994 Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (A1F03); Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; July.
- Washington, S. and R. Guensler (1994). “Modeling Air Quality for Conformity: Current Deficiencies and New Directions”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings, “Coping with Conformity,” 1994 Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (A1F03); Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; July 1994.
- Washington, S., and R. Guensler (1994). “Carbon Monoxide Impacts of Automatic Vehicle Identification Applied to Electronic Vehicle Tolling”; In: ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the National Policy Conference on Intelligent Transportation Technologies and the Environment; Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs; University of Michigan; June.
- Guensler, R., D. Sperling, and S. Washington (1993). “IVHS Technologies and Motor Vehicle Emissions”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings: IVHS America Third Annual Meeting; IVHS America; Washington, DC; April.
- Guensler, R., S. Washington and D. Sperling (1993). “A Weighted Disaggregate Approach to Modeling Speed Correction Factors”; “; Published in CD-ROM of the ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
- Washington, S., and R. Guensler (1993). “Maybe We Can Build Our Way Out: Rethinking Infrastructure Solutions to Transportation Problems”; ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dedicated Conference: The Motor Vehicle and the Environment/Demands of the Nineties and Beyond; Aachen, Germany; Automotive Automation Limited, Croydon, England; pp. 61-71; September.
- Guensler, R. , 1992. “Reconciling Mobile Source Offset Programs with Air Quality Management Plans”, Air and Waste Management Association, 85th Annual Meeting , , Pittsburgh, PA, – , p.Volume 3; Paper Number 11.
- Guensler, R., A. B. Geraghty, and P. Burmich , 1992. “The Role of Transportation Control Measures in California’s Air Pollution Control Strategy” “, Transactions, PM10 Standards and Nontraditional Particulate Source Controls; Air and Waste Management Association, , Pittsburgh, PA, – , p.
- Guensler, R. (1992). “A Summary of Research Agenda Break-Out Sessions”; In: ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1992 Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (A1F03); Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; July.
- Guensler, R. (1992). “Equity Dilemmas Associated with Command and Control and Market-Based Approaches to Air Pollution Control”; Air and Waste Management Association, 85th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Volume 13; Paper Number 176.01; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R., A. B. Geraghty, and P. Burmich (1992). “The Role of Transportation Control Measures in California’s Air Pollution Control Strategy”; In: Transactions, PM10 Standards and Nontraditional Particulate Source Controls; Air and Waste Management Association; Pittsburgh, PA; January.
- Guensler, R., ed. (1992). ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings of the 1992 Summer Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (A1F03); Published by the Institute of Transportation Studies; University of California Davis; Davis, Ca; July.
- Sperling, D., R. Guensler, D. L. Page, and S. P. Washington (1992). “Air Quality Impacts of IVHS: An Initial Review”; In: ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings, IVHS Policy: A Workshop on Institutional and Environmental Issues; pp. 29-45; Gifford, Horan and Sperling Eds.; The Institute of Public Policy, George Mason University; Fairfax, VA; April.
- Transportation and Air Quality Workgroup (1992). “1992 Air Quality Research Needs Statements; Environmental Research Needs in Transportation; Invitational Conference; National Research Council, Transportation Research Board Circular 389; Washington, DC; March.
- Nelson, C., S. Siwek, R. Guensler, and K. Michelson , 1991. “Managing Trucks for Air Quality”, Air and Waste Management Association, 84th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, – , p.Paper Number 88.10.
- Guensler, R., D. Sperling, and P. P. Jovanis (1991). “Uncertainty in the Emission Inventory for Heavy-Duty Diesel-Powered Trucks”; Air and Waste Management Association, 84th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Paper Number 88.14; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Nelson, C., S. Siwek, R. Guensler, and K. Michelson (1991). “Managing Trucks for Air Quality”; Air and Waste Management Association, 84th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Paper Number 88.10; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. (1990). “Calculating Excess Emission from Surface Coating Operations”; Air and Waste Management Association, 83rd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Paper Number 106.3; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. (1990). “Evaluating the Effectiveness of State Implementation Plan Strategies”; Air and Waste Management Association, 83rd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Paper Number 93.12; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R., and A. B. Geraghty (1991). “A Transportation/Air Quality Research Agenda for the 1990’s”; Air and Waste Management Association, 84th Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Volume 8, Emissions (AM91-8), Paper Number 87.2; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Chang, D.P.Y., R. Guensler, et al., 1989. “Efficiency of Activated Carbon Bed Odor Control Systems for VOC Removal”, Air and Waste Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting , , Pittsburgh, PA, – , p.Volume 1, Paper Number 11.
- Guensler, R. , 1989. “Preparation of Alternative Emission Control Plans for Surface Coating Operations”, Air and Waste Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting, , Pittsburgh, PA, – , p.Volume 7, Paper Number 11.
- Chang, D.P.Y., R. Guensler, et al. (1989). “Efficiency of Activated Carbon Bed Odor Control Systems for VOC Removal”; Air and Waste Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Volume 1, Paper Number 11.6; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. (1989). “Preparation of Alternative Emission Control Plans for Surface Coating Operations”; Air and Waste Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Volume 7, Paper Number 118B.3; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. (1989). “The Potential Application of Bar Codes to Phase II Vapor Recovery Inspections”; Air and Waste Management Association, 82nd Annual Meeting ProCivil and Environmental Engineeringdings; Volume 7, Paper Number 118A.3; Pittsburgh, PA; June.
- Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2007); Speed Sentinel: Real-Time Crash Risk and Citation Probability Display System. Final Patent Application. February.
- Miller, J., D. Weir, P. Vu, R. Guensler, T. Slack, and J. Breedlove (2007). Commuter Credits for HOV/HOT Lane Implementation. Provisional Patent Application. July.
- Vu, P., J. Miller, R. Guensler, T. Slack, and J. Breedlove (2007). HOV/HOT Electronic Barrier and Automated Enforcement System. Provisional Patent Application. July.
- Ogle, J., and R. Guensler (2006); Real-Time, Revealed-Risk Insurance Pricing. Final Patent Application. October.