Randall Guensler

Randall L. Guensler


Affinity Group: Transportation Systems Engineering 

Office:  SEB 224
Phone:  (404) 894-0405


  1. Pyke Johnson Award for Best Transportation Research Board Paper in Planning and Environment, Yoon, et al., A Methodology for Developing Transit Bus Speed-Acceleration Matrices to be used in Load-Based Mobile Source Emissions Models, National Research Council (2005).
  2. Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service, National Academy of Sciences (2003).
  3. Testimonial of Appreciation for Distinguished Service, National Research Council (2002).
  4. Outstanding Faculty Leadership for Development of Graduate Research Assistants, School of CEE (2000).
  5. Outstanding Teaching Award, School of CEE (1999).
  6. Certificate of Appreciation, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (1998).
  7. Outstanding Faculty Leadership for Development of Graduate Research Assistants, School of CEE (1998).
  8. C-SPAN in the Classroom Fellow (1996).
  9. Eno Foundation Transportation Leadership Fellow (1993).
  10. Tribute of Appreciation, Rule Effectiveness Study, USEPA Region IX (1990).
  11. Sustained Superior Accomplishment Award, California Air Resources Board (1988).