Jorge A. Laval
Associate Professor
Affinity Group: Transportation Systems Engineering
Office: SEB 224
Phone: (404) 894-2360
- J A Laval. Graphical Solution and Continuum Approximation for the Single Destination Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem. Transportation Research Part B, 43 (1): 108-118, 2009.
- J. A. Laval. Capacity Formulae for Multilane Freeways: Impacts of Truck Lane Restrictions. Transportation Research Part B (Forthcoming), 2009.
- Laval, J. A. Hysteresis in the fundamental diagram: impact of measurement methods. In Proceedings: International Workshop on Traffic data Collection & its Standardization. Barcelona, Spain, September 2008.
- Ahn, S., J. A. Laval and Cassidy, M.. Merging and Diverging Effects on Freeway Traffic Oscillations: Theory and Observation. Submitted to Transportmetrica, 2008.
- Laval, J. A. and Leclercq, L. Continuum Approximation for Congestion Dynamics Along Freeway Corridors. Submitted to Transportation Science, 2008.
- Laval, J. A., Chen, D., Ben Amer, K., Guin, A and Ahn, S. Evolution of Oscillations in Congested Traffic: Improved Estimation Method and Additional Empirical Evidences. Submitted to Transportation Research Record, 2008.
- Chilukuri, B. R and Laval, J. A. Traffic Signal Volume Warrants – A Delay Perspective. Submitted to Transportation Research Record, 2008.
- Yin, Y., Lou, Y. and Laval, J. A. Optimal Dynamic Pricing Strategies for High-Occupancy/Toll Lanes. Submitted to Transportation Research Part C, 2008.
- L Leclercq, J A Laval and E Chevallier, “The lagrangian coordinates and what it means for first order traffic flow models”. 17th International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory, London, 2007. (Accepted)
- L Leclercq, N Chiabaut, J Laval, and C Buisson. Relaxation phenomenon after changing lanes: Experimental validation with NGSIM data set. Transportation Research Record (Forthcoming), 2007.
- L Leclercq, J A Laval and E Chevallier, The lagrangian coordinates and what it means for first order traffic flow models. 17th International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory, London, 2007. (Accepted)
- J A Laval. Linking synchronized flow and kinematic wave theory. In R. Kuhne, T. Poschel, A. Schadschneider, M. Schreckenberg, and D. Wolf, editors, Forthcoming in Traffic and Granular Flow’05. Springer, 2007.
- J A Laval, M J Cassidy, and C F Daganzo. Impacts of lane changes at on-ramp bottlenecks: A theory and strategies to maximize capacity. In R. Kuhne, T. Poschel, A. Schadschneider, M. Schreckenberg, and D. Wolf, editors, Forthcoming in Traffic and Granular Flow’05. Springer, 2007.
- J A Laval and L Leclercq. Microscopic modeling of the relaxation phenomenon using a macroscopic lane-changing model. Transportation Research Part B (In Press), 2007.
- J A Laval. Graphical Solution and Continuum Approximation for the Single Destination Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem. Submitted to: Transportation Research Part B
- J A Laval. A macroscopic theory of two-lane rural roads. Transportation Research Part B, 40 (10):937-944, 2006.
- J A Laval. Stochastic processes of moving bottlenecks: Approximate formulas for highway capacity. Forthcoming in Transportation Research Records, 2006.
- J A Laval and C F Daganzo. Lane-changing in traffic streams. Transportation Research Part B, 40(3):251-264, 2006.
- J A Laval. A macroscopic theory of two-lane rural roads. Transportation Research Part B, 40 (10): 937-944, 2006.
- J A Laval and C F Daganzo. Lane-changing in traffic streams. Transportation Research Part B, 40 (3): 251-264, 2006.
- A Laval. Linking synchronized flow and kinematic wave theory. In R. Kuhne, T. Poschel, A. Schadschneider, M. Schreckenberg, and D. Wolf, editors, Traffic and Granular Flow’05 (In Press). Springer, 2005.
- J A Laval, M J Cassidy, and C F Daganzo. Impacts of lane changes at on-ramp bottlenecks: A theory and strategies to maximize capacity. In R. Kuhne, T. Poschel, A. Schadschneider, M. Schreckenberg, and D. Wolf, editors, Traffic and Granular Flow’05 (In Press). Springer, 2005.
- C F Daganzo and J A Laval. On the numerical treatment of moving bottlenecks. Transportation Research Part B, 39(1):31-46, 2005.
- C F Daganzo and J A Laval. Moving bottlenecks: A numerical method that converges in flows, Transportation Research Part B, 39(9):855-863, 2005.
- JC Munoz and J A Laval. System optimum dynamic traffic assignment graphical solution method for a congested freeway and one destination. Transportation Research Part B, 40(1):1-15, 2005.
- S Ahn, M Cassidy, and J A Laval. Verification of a simplified car-following theory. Transportation Research Part B, 38(5):431-440, 2003.
- J A Laval and C F Daganzo. A hybrid model of traffic flow: Impacts of roadway geometry on capacity. TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM. Submitted for publication, 2003.
- J A Laval. Some properties of a multi-lane extension of the kinematic wave model. TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM. Also ITS Tech. Report UCB-ITS-WP-2003-1, 2003.
- C F Daganzo, J A Laval, and JC Munoz. Some ideas for freeway congestion mitigation with advanced technologies. Traffic Engineering and control, 10(43):397-403, 2002.
- J A Laval. A proposal on flow-delay curves. In IX Latin Am. Tr. Eng. Cong. Santiago, Chile, J A Laval. A proposal on flow-delay curves. In IX Latin Am. Tr. Eng. Cong. Santiago, Chile, 1999.