Michael P. Hunter
Associate Professor
Current Research:
I-85 HOV-to-HOT Lane Conversion
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Advanced Traveler Information System
Arterial Travel Time Monitoring
Transportation Embedded Simulation
Adaptive Signal Control Evaluation
Evaluation of Intersection Countermeasures on High-Speed Rural Multi-Lane Facilities
Improved Methods for Delineating Diverges in Work Zones
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Converging Chevron Pavement Markings

Kari E. Watkins
Frederick Law Olmsted Associate Professor
Current Research:
Real-time information and open transit data through OneBusAway
Understanding cyclist safety and perceived safety through crowdsourced data and instrumented bikes

Angshuman Guin
Senior Research Engineer
Current Research:
I-85 HOV-to-HOT Lane Conversion
Travel Time Estimation and Forecast for NaviGAtor
Cobb County School Bus Anti-Idle Program
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Converging Chevron Pavement Markings
Evaluation of Intersection Countermeasures on High-Speed Rural Multi-Lane Facilities
Arterial Travel Time Monitoring
ATR-VDS Comparison Study

Franklin Gbologah
Research Engineer II
Current Research:
A Tool to Predict Fleet-Wide Heavy-Duty Fuel-Saving Benefits from Low Rolling Resistance Tires
Transportation Network Performance Monitoring and Distributed Simulation for Transportation Energy Efficiency

Haobing Liu
Research Engineer II
Current Research:
MOVES-Matrix and Distributed Computing For Region-Level Line Source Dispersion Analysis
Estimating Project-Level Vehicle Emissions With VISSIM And MOVES-Matrix
Regional Emission Analysis Using Travel Demand Models and MOVES-Matrix
Energy Consumption and Emissions Modeling of Individual Vehicles

Wonho Suh
Research Faculty/Research Engineer
Current Research:
Arterial Travel Time Monitoring
I-85 HOV-to-HOT Lane Conversion
ATR-VDS Comparison Study
Roundabout Capacity Study