The Transportation Sector
Lesson 1– The Transportation Sector, provides an introduction to a variety of components that constitute the transportation sector. The first of task of this lesson is to define the terms “transportation” and “transportation engineering”. Once a working definition of these terms has been established, the lesson then invites the students to navigate the history of the transportation through the various transportation modes while following the evolution of technology and it application throughout the transportation sector.

In defining what transportation is and how the transportation sector has evolved into what it is today, from what it was centuries ago, students will not only gain a greater appreciation for the importance of transportation is our society but also understand that the evolution of the transportation sector is continuous. Throughout this lesson, it is imperative to underscore the fact that this generation of engineers and scientists are responsible for continuing the evolution of the transportation sector as limitations of current systems and technologies, as well as new challenges and societal problems will need to be address in order to maintain and increase the world’s standard of living.

Having a solid grasp of what transportation is, its history and the our responsibility to its future, Lesson 1 also introduces how transportation projects get from being a concept to what is built to get persons from Point A to Point B. This process is referred to as the transportation process. In illustrating this process, five stages were identified and used as points of departure to facilitate a fundamental understanding of the transportation process. These five stages included 1) Problem Identification, 2) Project Development, 3) Construction/Implementation, 4) Operation, and 5) Maintenance. In guiding students through these various stages of the transportation process, it is the goal that students walk away with a few key realizations. These realization include 1) that they are already are a part of the transportation process by way of being able to identify problems within the transportation sector and 2) as they navigate through the transportation system they are a part of its operation and 3) as a transportation engineer they are further involved with the process at most, if not at all, stages. The transportation process modules seek to underscore these realizations through formal instruction as well as through guided interaction with the students.
Listed below are the links to various details that are associated with Lesson 1.
Links to Lesson 1 Modules
[1]“British Airways Concorde.”Aeroflight. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. <>
[2]“Toyota Corolla – 2010 Photo Gallery.” Toyota Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Accessories. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. <>
[3]“Hikari (train).” Wikipedia. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. <>
[4]“Boston: Light Rail Transit Overview.” LightRailNow!. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. <>
[5]“Bus Rapid Transit – Getting the Picture.” NZ in Transit. Web. 08 Nov. 2010.