Managed Lane System Assessment Publications, Dissertations, and Theses

  1. Publications
    1. Refereed Publications & Submitted Articles
      1. Published & Accepted Journal Articles
        1. Guensler, R., J. Ko, D. Kim, S. Khoeini, A. Sheikh, and Y. Xu (submitted). Factors Affecting Atlanta Commuters’ High Occupancy Toll Lane and Carpool Choices. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
        2. Khoeini, S., Y. Xu, G Rousseau, and R. Guensler (submitted). “Marketing Data as a Potential Alternative to Self-Reported Survey Data for use in Socioeconomic Impact Assessments.” Journal of Planning Education and Research.
        3. Guensler, R., F. Castrillon, K. D’Ambrosio, D. Duarte, V. Elango, A. Guin, M. Hunter, S. Khoeini, J. Laval, L. Peesapati, M. Roell; A. Sheikh, K. Smith, and C. Toth (submitted). “Vehicle and Person Throughput Analysis for the Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion.” Case Studies in Transportation.
        4. Xu, X., H. Li, H. Liu, M. Rodgers and R. Guensler (2018). Evaluation of Transit Eco-Driving in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Environments. DOI: 10.1177/0361198118797778 Transportation Research Record. Washington, DC. September 2018.
        5. Xu, X., H. Liu, H. Li, M.O. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2018). Integrating Engine Start, Soak, Evaporative, and Truck Hoteling Emissions into MOVES-Matrix. DOI: 10.1177/0361198118797208. Transportation Research Record. Washington, DC. 2018.
        6. Liu, H., H. Li, M. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2018). Development of Road Grade Data using the USGS Digital Elevation Model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 92, pp.243–257,
        7. Guensler, R., H. Liu., Y. Xu, A. Akanser, D. Kim, M.P. Hunter, M.O. Rodgers (2017). “Energy Consumption and Emission Modeling of Individual Vehicles.” 10.3141/2627-11. Transportation Research Record. Number 2627. pp. 93-102. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2017.
        8. Xu, Y., H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, M. Hunter, A. Sheikh, and R. Guensler (2017). “Understanding the Emission Impacts of HOV to HOT Lane Conversions: Experience from Atlanta, GA.” Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2017.1302518
        9. Liu, H., X. Xu, M. Rodgers, Y. Xu, and R. Guensler (2017). “MOVES-Matrix and Distributed Computing for Microscale Line Source Dispersion Analysis.” Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2017.1287788.
        10. Xu, Y., H. Li, H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2016). “Eco-driving for Transit: An Effective Strategy to Conserve Fuel and Emissions. Applied Energy.” 194(15) 784-797. APEN8702. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.09.101. October 2016.
        11. Liu, H., Y. Xu, N. Stockwell, M. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2016). “A Comparative Lifecycle Energy and Emissions Analysis for Intercity Passenger Transportation in the U.S. by Aviation, Intercity Bus, and Automobile.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 48, pp: 267-283. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2016.08.027.
        12. Li, H., Haobing Liu, Y. Xu, M.O. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2015). Performance of Multiple Alternatives to Reduce Carbon Emissions for Transit Fleets: A Real-world Operations Perspective. Energy Procedia (Elsevier), Vol 88, June 2016, pp 908-914.
        13. Suh, W., D. Henclewood, A. Guin, R. Guensler, R. Fujimoto, M. Hunter (2016). “Real-Time Data-Driven Traffic Simulation for Performance Measure Estimation.” IET Intelligent Transportation Systems. Volume 10, Issue 8. pp 562-571.
        14. Xu, X., H. Liu, Y. Xu, M. Hunter, and R. Guensler (2016). “Estimating Project-level Vehicle Emissions using Vissim and MOVES Matrix.” DOI 10.3141/2570-12. Transportation Research Record. Number 2570. pp. 107-117. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2016
        15. Sheikh, A., A. Misra, and R. Guensler (2015). “High Occupancy Toll Lane Decision Making: Income Effects on Atlanta’s I-85 Express Lanes.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2531. pp. 45-53. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2015.
        16. Liu, H., Y. Xu, R. Guensler, and M.O. Rodgers (2015). “Developing Vehicle Classification Inputs for Project-Level MOVES Analysis.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2503. pp. 81-90. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2015.
        17. Xu, Y., F. Gbologah, H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2015). “Assessment of Alternative Fuel and Powertrain Transit Bus Options using Real-world Operations Data: Life-cycle Fuel and Emissions Modeling.” Applied Energy. Volume 154, Number 15. pp. 143-159.
        18. Elango, V. and R. Guensler (2014). “Collection, Screening, and Evaluation of Vehicle Occupancy Data.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2470. pp. 142-151. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2014.
        19. Sheikh, A., A. Guin, and R. Guensler (2014). “Value of Travel Time Savings: Evidence from Atlanta’s I-85 Express Lanes.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2470. pp. 161-168. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2014.
        20. Castrillon, F., M. Roell, S. Khoeini, and R. Guensler (2014). “The I-85 HOT Lane’s Impact on Atlanta’s Commuter Bus and Vanpool Occupancy.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2470. pp. 169-177. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2014.
        21. Khoeini, S. and R. Guensler (2014). “Socioeconomic Assessment of the Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2450. pp. 52-61. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2014.
        22. Khoeini, S., and R. Guensler (2014). “Using Vehicle Value as a Proxy for Income: A Case Study on Atlanta’s I-85 HOT Lane.” Research in Transportation Economics. Volume 44. Issue C. pp. 33-42. June 2014.
        23. Khoeini, S., R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers, and V. Elango (2012). “Sensitivity of Commuters’ Demographic Characteristics to License Plate Data Collection Specifications: A Case Study of the I-85 HOV-to-HOT Project in Atlanta, GA.” Transportation Research Record
        24. Kall, D., R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers, and V.S. Pandey (2009). “Effect of High Occupancy Toll Lanes on Mass Vehicle Emissions: Application to I-85 in Atlanta, Georgia.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2123. pp. 88-96. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2009.
        25. Guin, A., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (2008). “Analysis of Reduction in Effective Capacities on High-Occupancy-Vehicle Lanes Related to Traffic Behavior.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2065. pp. 47-53. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2008.
        26. Nelson, J.I., R. Guensler, and H. Li (2008). “Geographic and Demographic Profiles of Morning Peak-Hour Commuters on Highways in North Metropolitan Atlanta.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2067, pp. 26-37. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2008.
        27. Elango, V., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2007). “Day-To-Day Travel Variability in the Commute Atlanta Study.” Transportation Research Record. Number 2014. pp. 39-49. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2007.
        28. Zuehlke, K. and R. Guensler (2007). “Employer Perceptions and Implementation of Commute Alternatives Strategies.” Journal of Public Transportation. Volume 10, Number 4, pp. 171-194. 2007.
        29. Yoon, S., H. Li, J. Jun, J. Ogle, R. Guensler, and M. Rodgers (2005). “Methodology for Developing Transit Bus Speed-Acceleration Matrices for Load-Based Mobile Source Emissions Models.” Transportation Research Record. 1941. pp. 26-33. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2005.
        30. DeHart-Davis, L, and R. Guensler (2005). “Employers as Mediating Institutions for Public Policy: The Case of Commute Options Programs.” Policy Studies Journal, Volume 33, Number 4, pp. 675-697. 2005.
        31. Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005). “An Analysis of Morning Commute Route Choice Patterns Using GPS Based Vehicle Activity Data.” Transportation Research Record. 1926. pp. 162-170. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2005.
        32. Li, H., R. Guensler, J. Ogle, and J. Wang (2004). “Using Global Positioning System Data to Understand Day-to-Day Dynamics of Morning Commute Behavior.” Transportation Research Record. Number 1895. pp. 78-84. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. 2004.
      2. Conference Presentations with Proceedings (Refereed)
        1. Liu, H., D. Kim, H. Lu, R. Wayson, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (accepted). A Regional Air Quality Impact Assessment Screening Tool based upon MOVES-Matrix and AERMOD. Guidelines on Air Quality Models: Planning Ahead. Air and Waste Management Association 8th Specialty Conference on Air Quality Modeling. Durham, NC. March 19-21, 2019.
        2. Lu, H., H. Liu, X. Xu, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (accepted). MOVES Project-Level Uncertainty Analysis: Impacts of Variability in Onroad Operating Conditions on Emission Rates (19-05261). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        3. Liu, H., M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (accepted). Impact of Road Grade on Vehicle Speed-Acceleration Distributions, Emissions, and Line Source Dispersion Modeling on Freeways (19-05978). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        4. Kim, D., A. Guin, J. Ko, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (accepted). Energy and Emissions Impact of Truck-Only Lanes: A Case Study of Interstate 75 between Macon and McDonough, Georgia (19-05988). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        5. Kim, D., J. Ko, X. Xu, H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (accepted). Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Median Bus Lanes: A Microscopic Simulation Approach (19-04263). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        6. Grossman, A., M.D. Meyer, C. Ross, K.E. Watkins, J. Schank, and R. Guensler (accepted). MPO Performance-based Planning in Response to MAP-21: National Survey Results (19-04713). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        7. Liu, H., M.O. Rodgers, F. Liu, and R. Guensler (accepted). Estimating the Road Grade Impact on Vehicle Speed and Acceleration on Freeways with a Bayesian Hierarchical Model (19-05901). 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Proceedings. Washington, DC. January 2019.
        8. Zhao, Y., D. Kim, M. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2018). Private Vehicle Ownership and Operating Cost Calculator for Teaching and Research. 58th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Buffalo, New York. October 2018.
        9. Xu, X., H. Li, H. Liu, M. Rodgers and R. Guensler (2018). Evaluation of Transit Eco-Driving in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Environments (18-05181). 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (50 attendees). Proceedings and Podium Session. Washington, DC. January 2018.
        10. Li, H., Y. Wang, X. Xu, H. Liu, A. Guin, M. Rodgers, M. Hunter, J. Laval, and R. Guensler (2018). Assessing the Time, Monetary, and Energy Costs of Alternative Modes (18-05362). 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (presentation only, full paper review, extended abstract in proceedings). Washington, DC. January 2018.
        11. Xu, X., H. Liu, Y. Xu, M. Rodgers and R. Guensler (2018). Regional Emission Analysis with Travel Demand Models and MOVES-Matrix (18-05363). 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (presentation only, full paper review, extended abstract in proceedings). Washington, DC. January 2018.
        12. Liu, H., H. Li, M. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2018). Development of Road Grade Data using the USGS Digital Elevation Model (18-03535). 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (presentation only, full paper review, extended abstract in proceedings). Washington, DC. January 2018.
        13. Xu, X., H. Li, H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2017). MOVES-Matrix for Start, Evaporative, and Extended Idle Emissions. Air and Waste Management Association, 110th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM). June 2017.
        14. Hunter, M., A. Biswas, B. Chilukuri, A. Guin, R. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, J. Laval, H. Liu, S. Neal, P Pecher, M. Rodgers (2016). Energy-Aware Dynamic Data-Driven Distributed Traffic Simulation for Energy and Emissions Reduction. Dynamic Data-Driven Application Systems Conference (100+ attendees). Hartford, CT. September 2016.
        15. Guensler, R. H. Liu, X. Xu, Y. Xu, and M. Rodgers (2016). “MOVES-Matrix: Setup, Implementation, and Application.” 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2016.
        16. Li, H., H. Liu, X. Xu, Y. Xu, and R. Guensler (2016). “Benefits from Reducing Local Transit Service Deadheading: An Atlanta Case Study.” 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2016.
        17. Li, H., Haobing Liu, Y. Xu, M.O. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2015). Performance of Multiple Alternatives to Reduce Carbon Emissions for Transit Fleets: A Real-world Operations Perspective (CUE2015-80). CUE2015-Applied Energy Symposium and Summit 2015. Fuzhou, Fujian, China. November 15-17, 2015.
        18. Akanser, A., Elango, V., A. Grossman, R. Sadana; K. Poddar, Y. Xu, and R. Guensler (2015). “Commute Warrior: Android Application for Collecting Longitudinal Travel Survey Data.” 2015 Transportation Research Forum. Atlanta, GA. March 2015.
        19. Liu, H., Y. Xu, M.O. Rodgers, C. Toth, and R. Guensler (2015). “MOVES2014 Project-Level Sensitivity Analysis: Impacts of On-road Fleet Composition and Operation Aggregation on Emission Results.” Air and Waste Management Association, 108th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM). June 2015.
        20. Toth, C.; R. Guensler, and J. Laval (2015). “Empirical Data-Driven Macroscopic Lane Changing Model. 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.” Washington, DC. January 2015.
        21. Park, M., Palinginis, E., Brilakis, I., Laval, J., Hunter, M., and Guensler R. (2014). “Unsupervised Framework for Traffic Counting: Speed Estimation Based on Camera Network Data.” 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering: pp. 1594-1601. June 2014.
        22. Xu, Y., H. Liu, and R. Guensler (2014). “Emissions Impact of HOV to HOT Lane Conversions: An Atlanta, Georgia Case Study.” Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition, Long Beach, CA, June 24-27, 2014.
        23. Toth, C., R. Guensler, S. Araque, A. Guin, V. Elango, and M. Hunter (2014). “Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion: Impacts on Weaving and Effective Capacity (14-5580).” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2014.
        24. Li, J., Z. Lin, T. LaClair, D. Davidson, Y. Xu, R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers, D. Lee (2014). “Evaluation of GHG Emission across Transit Bus Technologies with Real-World Driving Schedules (14-0680).” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2014.
        25. Toth, C., and R. Guensler (2014). “Analysis of Variables that Affect HOT Speeds on I-85 Express Lanes in Atlanta (14-5587).” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2014.
        26. Khoeini, S. and R. Guensler (2013). “Socio-spatial Model for Managed Lane System Expansion based on a Before and After Study of Atlanta I-85 HOT Lane”; 60th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Atlanta, GA, Nov 2013.
        27. Guin, A., V. Elango, M. Hunter, R. Guensler (2013). “Visualization of Vehicle and Person Throughput.” 7th International Visualization in Transportation Symposium: Visualization for Big Data! Irvine, CA. October 23-25, 2013.
        28. Xu, Y., Lee, D., Gbologah, F., Cernjul, G., Elango, V., Rodgers, M., and Guensler, R. (2013). “Load-Based Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator for Transit Buses: An Atlanta, GA, Case Study.” Green Streets, Highways, and Development 2013: pp. 284-294.
        29. Xu, Y., F. Gbologah, G. Cernjul, A. Kumble, R. Guensler, M. Rodgers (2013). “Comparison of Fuel-Cycle Emissions per Passenger Mile from Multiple Bus and Rail Technologies.” 3rd International Conference on Urban Transportation Systems. Paris, France. ASCE Urban Public Transit Systems 2013. pp. 204-216. November 2013.
        30. Smith K. S., V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2013). “HOV/HOT Lane Vehicle Characteristics: A Case Study on Atlanta’s I-85 HOV-TO-HOT Corridor.” Civil Engineering Applications in Public Transportation. Paris, France. ASCE Urban Public Transit Systems 2013. pp. 253-264. November 2013.
        31. Khoeini, S., M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2013). “Analysis of Fleet Composition and Vehicle Value for the Atlanta I-85 HOT Lane (13-4434).” 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2013.
        32. D’Ambrosio, K., K. Smith, F Castrillon, S. Box, C. Rome, A. Sheik, T. Vo., L. Peesapati, A. Guin, V. Elango, M. Hunter, and R. Guensler (2012). “Methodology for Collecting Vehicle Occupancy Data on Multi-Lane Interstate Highways (12-2503).” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2012.
        33. Box, S., T. Vo, W. Suh, R. Guensler, A. Guin, M. Hunter, and M.O. Rodgers (2012). “Assessment of Multi-Antenna Array Performance for Detecting Bluetooth Enabled Devices in a Traffic Stream.” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2012.
        34. Toth, C., R. Guensler, A. Guin, and M. Hunter (2012). “Changes in Legal and Illegal Weaving Activity after the Restriping of I-85 HOV Lanes in Atlanta.” 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2012.
        35. Xu, Y., and R. Guensler (2011). “Effective GPS-Based Panel Survey Sample Size Analysis for Before-and -after Studies using Generalized Estimating Equation Methods.” 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2011.
        36. Henclewood, D., A. Guin, R. Guensler, R. Fujimoto and M. Hunter (2010). “Real-Time Data Driven Arterial Simulation for Performance Measure Estimation.” Proceeding of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan, and E. Yücesan, eds., Baltimore, MD. December 2010.
        37. Elango, V., and R. Guensler (2010). “An Automated Activity Identification Method for Passively Collected GPS Data.” 3rd TRB Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling. Tempe, Arizona. May 10-12, 2010.
        38. Nelson, J.I., L. Zuyeva, N. Wood, and R Guensler (2010). “A Socio-Demographic Analysis of Northeast Atlanta I-85 Peak Period Commuters Likely to be Affected by Implementation of Value Pricing Along the Corridor.” 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2010.
        39. Ross, C., J. Barringer, R. Guensler, J.L. Harbour Doyle, L. Zuyeva, E. Barrella (2009). “Metropolitan Atlanta Congestion Pricing Study (09-3780).” 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2009.
        40. Xu, Y., L. Zuyeva, D. Kall, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2009). “Mileage Based Value Pricing: Phase II Case Study Implications of the Commute Atlanta Project (09-3458).” 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2009.
        41. Barringer, J., C.L. Ross, R. Guensler, J.L. Harbour Doyle, L. Zuyeva, E. Barrella (2008). “Perceptions of Congestion Pricing in the Metropolitan Atlanta Region.” ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress, Chicago, IL, July 2008
        42. Rountree, R.C., Miller, J., P. Vu, and R. Guensler (2008). “Georgia’s Approach to Congestion with the Four T’s: Tolling, Transit, Telework, and Technology (08-3066).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2008.
        43. Vu, P., L. Zuyeva, R. Guensler, and J. Miller (2008). “Enforcement Strategies for High-Occupancy Toll Lanes (08-3025).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2008.
        44. Miller, J.M., P. Vu, T. Slack, R. Rountree, and R. Guensler (2008). “Commuter Credits: Proposed Program to Support Public policy Goals of HOT Lanes (08-2832).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2008
        45. Zuehlke, K. and R. Guensler (2007). “Employer Perception of Employer-Based Trip Reduction Program Implementation.” 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2007.
        46. Li H., R. Guensler and J. Ogle (2006). “Impact of Objective Route Attributes on the Choice of Primary Morning Commute Route.” Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January, 2006
        47. Schönfelder, S., H. Li, R. Guensler, J. Ogle, K.W. Axhausen (2006). “Analysis of Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle GPS Data: Destination Choice Behavior and Activity Spaces.” Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January, 2006.
        48. Feng, C., L. DeHart-Davis, and R. Guensler (2005). “Survey Design and Preliminary Results for Atlanta Employer Commute Options Survey.” Air and Waste Management Association, 98th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM). Pittsburgh, PA. June 2005
        49. Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005). “Comparing Women’s and Men’s Morning Commute Trip Chaining in Atlanta, Georgia.” Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Conference Proceedings 35. Volume 2: Technical Papers. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Washington, DC.
        50. Guensler, R., B. Williams, and J. Ogle (2002). “The Role of Instrumented Vehicle Data in Transportation Decision Making.” Fourth International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. London, England. November 2002.
        51. Granell, J., R. Guensler, and W. H. Bachman (2002). “VIN Decoder Software Limitations for Fleet Characterization in Emissions Modeling.” Air and Waste Management Association, 95th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM). Pittsburgh, PA. June 2002.
        52. Granell, J., R. Guensler, and W. H. Bachman (2002). “Using Locality-Specific Fleet Distributions in Emissions Inventories: Current Practice, Problems and Alternatives.” Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 2002
        53. Guensler, R. and J. Wolf (1999). “Development of a Handheld Electronic Travel Diary for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior.” Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. January 1999
    2. Other Publications and Creative Products
      1. Technical & Policy Reports [Technical Reports, Non Peer Reviewed]
        1. Xu, Xiaodan, H. Liu, R. Passmore, T. Patrick, F. Gbologah, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2018). Fuel and Emissions Calculator (FEC), Version 3.0, Final Report. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Atlanta, GA. Prepared for the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, UC Davis, Davis, CA. October 2018.
        2. Guensler, R., H. Liu; X. Xu, H. Lu, and M.O. Rodgers (2018). MOVES-Matrix for High-Performance Emission Rate Model Applications. Final Report. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Atlanta, GA. Prepared for the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, UC Davis, Davis, CA. October 2018
        3. Kim, D., A. Guin, M.O. Rodgers, and R. Guensler (2018). Energy and Air Quality Impact of Truck-Only Lanes: A Case Study of Interstate 75 between Macon and McDonough, Georgia. Final Report. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Atlanta, GA. Prepared for the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, UC Davis, Davis, CA. September 2018.
        4. Guensler, R., J. Ko, D. Kim, A. Sheikh, S. Khoeini, and Y. Xu (2016). HOV to HOT Conversion Impacts on Carpooling. Final Report. National Center for Transportation Systems Productivity and Management. USDOT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R). Contract #DTRT12GUTC12. Washington, DC. December 2016.
        5. Guensler, R., A. Sheikh, and S. Khoeini (2016). Macro and Micro Modeling Tools for HOV-to-HOT Lane Analysis. Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation and NCTSPM University Transportation Center. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. June 2016
        6. Xu, A., A. Li, H. Liu, M.O. Rodgers, R. Guensler (2016). Ecodriving for Transit (Ecotransit). A National Center for Sustainable Transportation Report. Prepared for the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, University Transportation Center. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. April 2016
        7. Guensler, R., V. Elango, A. Guin, M. Hunter, J. Laval, S. Araque, S. Box, K. Colberg, F. Castrillon, K. D’Ambrosio, D. Duarte, K. Kamiya, S. Khoeini, E. Palinginis, L. Peesapati, C. Rome, A. Sheikh, K. Smith, C. Toth, T. Vo, and S. Zinner (2013). “Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion: Analysis of Vehicle and Person Throughput.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. October 2013.
        8. Guensler, R., S. Araque, C. Toth, A. Guin, V. Elango, M. Hunter (2013). “Atlanta I-85 HOV-to-HOT Conversion: Analysis of Changes in Weaving Activity.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. October 2013
        9. Ross, C., R. Guensler, J. Barringer, A. Danner, M. Allen, E. Barrella, J. Doyle, and L. Zuyeva (2008). “Congestion Pricing Response: Study for Potential Implementation in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. October 2008.
        10. Xu, Y., L. Zuyeva, D. Kall, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2008). “Commute Atlanta Value Pricing Phase II Case Study Report.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. June 2008
        11. Zuyeva, L., and R. Guensler (2008). “Enforcement Options for High-Occupancy Toll Lanes in Atlanta.” Prepared for the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. June 2008
        12. Zuyeva, L., and R. Guensler (2008). “Access and Egress Treatments on HOT Lane Systems: Scoping Report.” Prepared for the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. June 2008.
        13. Dehart-Davis, L., R. Guensler, and C. Feng (2006). “2004 Commute Options Survey Results for the Atlanta Metropolitan Area.” Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. April 2006.
        14. Guensler, R., W. Bachman, S. Hallmark, J.D. Leonard (2005). “Evaluation of Transportation-Related Emissions Control Measures for Metropolitan Atlanta.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. October 2005
  2. Dissertations and Theses
    1. Individual Student Guidance
      1. Ph.D. Students
        1. Ph.D. Students (Graduated)
          1. H. Liu (2018) Modeling the Impact of Road Grade on Vehicle Operation, Vehicle Energy Consumption, and Emissions
          2. A. Sheikh (2015) Consumer Response to Road Pricing: Operational and Demographic Effects
          3. C. Toth (2014) Empirical Study of the Effect of Off-ramp Queues on Freeway Traffic Flow
          4. S. Khoeini (2014) Modeling Framework for Socio-economic Analysis of Managed Lanes
          5. Y. Xu (2010) Effective GPS-Based Sample Size for Urban Travel Behavior Studies
          6. H. Li (2004) Investigating Morning Commute Route Choice Behavior using Global Positioning Systems and Multi-day Travel Data
          7. J. Granell (2002) Model Year Distribution and Vehicle Technology Composition of the Onroad Fleet as a Function of Vehicle Registration Data and Site Location Characteristics
      2. Masters Students
        1. M.S. Thesis Students
          1. D. Duarte, A Profile of Changes in Vehicle Characteristics Following the I-85 HOV-To-HOT Conversion, Spring 2013
          2. K. Kamiya, A Framework of Vision-Based Detection-Tracking Surveillance Systems for Counting Vehicles, Fall 2012
          3. K. Smith, A Profile of HOV Lane Vehicle Characteristics on I-85 Prior to HOV-to-HOT Conversion, Fall 2011
          4. K. D’Ambrosio, Methodology for Collecting Vehicle Occupancy Data on Multi-Lane Interstate Highways: A GA 400 Case Study, Summer 2011
        2. M.S. CEE/CP Dual Degree Thesis Students
          1. G. Li, The Potential of Bus Rapid Transit/Buses with High Level of Service System in Metro Atlanta: A Suitability and Feasibility Study, Summer 2014
          2. L. Zuyeva, Equity Issues in HOV-to-HOT Conversion on I-85 North in Atlanta, Spring 2009
          3. D. Kall, Effect of High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes on Mass Vehicle Emissions: An Application to I-85 in Atlanta, Summer 2008
          4. K. Zuehlke, Impossibility of Transit in Atlanta: GPS-Enabled Revealed-Drive Preferences and Modeled Transit Alternatives for Commute Atlanta Participants, Fall 2007
        3. M.S. in Computational Science and Engineering
          1. Kim, D. (2018). Personal Vehicle Ownership and Operating Cost Calculator. M.S. Thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. 2018.