Instrumented Vehicles Research Papers

Articles in Refereed Archival Journals process

  1. Ko, J., Guensler, R., and Hunter, M. (2010). “Analysis of Effects of Driver/Vehicle Characteristics on Acceleration Noise Using GPS-Equipped Vehicles.” Transportation Research Part F; Volume 13, Issue 1; pp 21-31; January.
  2. Kall, D., R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers, and V.S. Pandey (2009).  “Effect of High Occupancy Toll Lanes on Mass Vehicle Emissions: Application to I-85 in Atlanta, Georgia.” Transportation Research Record; No. 2123; pp 88-96; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  3. Jun, J., and R. Guensler (2009).  “Freeway Speed Stability Patterns Based on Instrumented Vehicle Data.”  ITE Journal on the Web.  June.
  4. Ko, J., M. Hunter and R. Guensler (2008).  “Measuring Control Delay Components Using Second-by-Second GPS Speed Data.”  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering; Vol. 134, No. 8; pp 338-346; August.
  5. Guin, A., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (2008).  “Analysis of Reduction in Effective Capacities on High-Occupancy-Vehicle Lanes Related to Traffic Behavior.” Transportation Research Record; No. 2065; pp 47-53; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  6. Jun, J., J. Ogle, and R. Guensler (2007).  “Relationships between Crash Involvement and Temporal-Spatial Driving Behavior Activity Patterns: Use of Data for Vehicles with Global Positioning Systems.” Transportation Research Record; No. 2019; pp. 246-255. National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  7. Ko, J., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (2006).  “Variability in Traffic Flow Quality Experienced by Drivers: Evidence from Instrumented Vehicles.” Transportation Research Record; No. 1988; pp. 1-9. National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  8. Jun, J., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2006).  “Smoothing Methods Designed to Minimize the Impact of GPS Random Error on Travel Distance, Speed, and Acceleration Profile Estimates.” Transportation Research Record; No. 1972; pp. 141-150. National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  9.  Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005).  “An Analysis of Morning Commute Route Choice Patterns Using GPS Based Vehicle Activity Data.” Transportation Research Record; 1926; pp. 162-170. National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  10. Li, H., R. Guensler, J. Ogle, and J. Wang (2004). “Using Global Positioning System Data to Understand Day-to-Day Dynamics of Morning Commute Behavior.” Transportation Research Record; No. 1895; pp. 78-84.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  11. Ogle, J., R. Guensler, W. Bachman, M. Koutsak, and J. Wolf (2002).  “Accuracy of GPS for Determining Driver Performance Parameters.” Transportation Research Record; No. 1818; pp. 12-24.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  12. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, and W. Bachman (2001).  “Elimination of the Travel Diary: Experiment to Derive Trip Purpose from GPS Travel Data.” Transportation Research Record; No. 1768; pp. 125-134.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  13. Wolf, J., S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, R. Guensler, and W. Sarasua (1999).  “Accuracy Issues with Personal Travel Route Data Using GPS/GIS”.  Transportation Research Record; No. 1660; pp. 66-74.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings

  1. Xu, Yanzhi, and R. Guensler (2011). Effective GPS-Based Panel Survey Sample Size Analysis for bdefore-and -after Studies using Generalized Estimating Equation Methods.  90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011.
  2. Elango, V., and R. Guensler (2010). “An Automated Activity Identification Method for Passively Collected GPS Data.” 3rd TRB Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling; Tempe, Arizona.  May 10-12.
  3. Nelson, J.I., L. Zuyeva, N. Wood, and R Guensler (2010).  “A Socio-Demographic Analysis of Northeast Atlanta I-85 Peak Period Commuters Likely to be Affected by Implementation of Value Pricing Along the Corridor.”  89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2010.
  4. Ross, C., J. Barringer, R. Guensler, J.L. Harbour Doyle, L. Zuyeva, E. Barrella (2009).  “Metropolitan Atlanta Congestion Pricing Study (09-3780).” 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2009.
  5. Xu, Y., L. Zuyeva, D. Kall, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2009).  “Mileage Based Value Pricing:  Phase II Case Study Implications of the Commute Atlanta Project (09-3458).” 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2009.
  6. Barringer, J., C.L. Ross, R. Guensler, J.L. Harbour Doyle, L. Zuyeva, E. Barrella (2008).  “Perceptions of Congestion Pricing in the Metropolitan Atlanta Region.” ACSP-AESOP Joint Congress, Chicago, IL, July 2008.
  7. Rountree, R.C., Miller, J., P. Vu, and R. Guensler (2008).  “Georgia’s Approach to Congestion with the Four T’s: Tolling, Transit, Telework, and Technology (08-3066).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2008.
  8. Vu, P., L. Zuyeva, R. Guensler, and J. Miller(2008).  “Enforcement Strategies for High-Occupancy Toll Lanes (08-3025).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2008.
  9. Miller, J.M., P. Vu, T. Slack, R. Rountree, and R. Guensler (2008).  “Commuter Credits: Proposed Program to Support Public policy Goals of HOT Lanes (08-2832).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2008.
  10. Elango, V., P. Blaiklock, and R. Guensler (2008).  “Visualization of Freight Movement with the GT Freight Data Collector and Real-time Cargo Tracking (08-0628).” 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2008.
  11. Boonsiripant, S., M. Hunter, R. Guensler, M. Rodgers, and S. Wu (2007).  “Speed Characteristics and Safety on Low Speed Urban Midblock Sections Based on GPS-Equipped Vehicle Data.” 14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 November 2007.
  12. Ko, J., Hunter, M., and Guensler, R. (2007).  “Measuring Control Delay Using Second-by-Second GPS Speed Data.” 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  13. Jun, J., S. Yoon, and R. Guensler (2006); “Impacts of Acceleration Calculation Methods on Onroad Vehicle Engine Power Estimation.” Air and Waste Management Association, 99th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June 2006.
  14. Ko, J., R. Guensler, M. Hunter, and H. Li (2006).  “Instrumented Vehicle Measured Speed Variation and Freeway Traffic Congestion.”  Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Chicago, IL.  American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.  August, 2006.
  15. Lee, J., R. Guensler, and J. Jun (2006).  Potential Use of Operating Mode Durations and Dynamic Ratios in Analyzing Driver Behavior Using Instrumented Vehicle Data.” Published in CD-ROM of the Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
  16. S. Schönfelder, H. Li, R. Guensler, J. Ogle, K.W. Axhausen (2006).  “Analysis of Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle GPS Data: Destination Choice Behavior and Activity Spaces.” Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
  17. Guensler, R., B. Williams, and J. Ogle (2002).  “The Role of Instrumented Vehicle Data in Transportation Decision Making.” Fourth International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. London, England.  November 2002.

Other Publications

Guensler, R. (2007).  “Commute Atlanta: Instrumented Vehicles, Value Pricing, Travel Behavior, and Safety.” Georgia Transportation Institute Annual Report.

Non-Refereed Conference and Workshop Proceedings

  1.  D’Ambrosio, K., K. Smith, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2011). “Assessment of Visual Vehicle Occupancy Data Collection Methods.” Proceedings of the 2011 TRB Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Air Quality Conference.  San Antonio, TX.  May, 2011.
  2. C. Rome, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2011).  “School Bus Engine Idle Emissions Reductions.”  Proceedings of the 2011 TRB Transportation Planning, Land Use, and Air Quality Conference.  San Antonio, TX.  May, 2011.
  3. Wood, N., and R. Guensler (2011).  “Assessing the Marginal Cost of Freeway Congestion for Vehicle Fleets Using Passive GPS Data.”  13th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference.  Reno, NV.  May, 2011.
  4. Elango, V., and R. Guensler.  Onroad Vehicle Activity GPS Data and Privacy.  Proceedings of the 13th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference.  Reno, NV.  May, 2011.
  5. Barringer, J., C. Ross, R. Guensler, and L. Zuyeva (2009); “Congestion Pricing and Associated Equity Concerns in the Metropolitan Atlanta Region.” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Meeting.  Crystal City, VA. October.
  6. Kall, D., and R. Guensler (2009); Effect of High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes on Mass Vehicle Emissions: An Application to I-85 in Atlanta; Presented at Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers (SDITE) 2009 Annual Meeting; Birmingham, Alabama; April.
  7. Vu, Patrick, and R. Guensler (2008).  “Gantry-Controlled Access:  A Combined Tolling and Enforcement System .”  2008 Freeway and Tollway Operations Conference; Fort Lauderdale, FL.  June.
  8. Guensler, R, J. Jun, and J. Ogle (2008).  “GPS Data and Vehicle Insurance: Analytical Efforts Associated with the Commute Atlanta Program.” 2008 Casualty Actuarial Society Ratemaking Seminar; Boston, MA.  March.
  9. Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2007).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs:  2007 Status Report.” 17th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.
  10. Guensler, R., H. Li, L. Zuyeva, K. Zuehlke, J. Indech-Nelson, Y. Xu, D. Kall, and V. Pandey (2007).  “Reducing Congestion and Improving Air Quality through Value Pricing.”  Metropolis Mobility Week: Financing Urban Mobility Seoul, Korea; June
  11. Yoon, S., H. Li, V.V. Elango, R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers (2006).  “Atlanta Commute Vehicle Soak/Start Time Distributions and Engine Starts Per Day: Impact on Mobile6.2 Emission Rates.” 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  12. Yoon, S., C. Feng, V.V. Elango, R. Guensler, M.O. Rodgers (2006).  “A Sensitivity Analysis of the Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Modal Emission Model.” 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  13. Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2006).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs:  2006 Status Report (and Road Pricing Update).” 16th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  14. Huang, W., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (2005).  “Reservation-Based ITS Systems: Real-Time Variable Congestion Pricing on the Proposed 2010 I-75 HOV/BRT Facility”.  12th International HOV Systems Conference: Improving Mobility and Accessibility with Managed Lanes, Pricing, and Bus Rapid Transit.  Houston, TX.  Transportation Research Board Specialty Conference; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.  April 18.
  15. Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2005).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs (1,000,000 Trips and Counting):  2005 Status Report.” 15th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  16. Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2003).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs:  2003 Status Report.” 13th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  17. Guensler, R. and J. Ogle (2002).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs:  2002 Update.” 12th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  April.
  18. Guensler, R., J. Ogle, and S. Washington (2001).  “The Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle Intensive.” Proceedings of the 11th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA.  March.
  19. Grant, C.; R. Guensler, S. Washington, and W. Sarasua (1996).  “Cross-Validation of Modal Vehicle Activity Data Using Remote and Onboard Instrumentation.” Proceedings of the 6th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.
  20. Sarasua, W., R. Awuah-Baffour, R. Guensler, and W. Bachman (1996).  “Use of GPS and GIS to Incorporate Grade and Vehicle Location Into Transportation Air Quality Modeling.” Proceedings of the 6th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.

Technical and Policy Reports

  1. Ross, C., R. Guensler, J. Barringer, A. Danner, M. Allen, E. Barrella, J. Doyle, and L. Zuyeva (2008).  “Congestion Pricing Response:  Study for Potential Implementation in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area.”  Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA.  Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; October.
  2. Xu, Y., L. Zuyeva, D. Kall, V. Elango, and R. Guensler (2008).  “Commute Atlanta Value Pricing Phase II Case Study Report.” Prepared for the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA.  Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; June.
  3. Zuyeva, L., and R. Guensler (2008).  “Enforcement Options for High-Occupancy Toll Lanes in Atlanta.” Prepared for the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, Atlanta, GA.  Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; June.
  4. Zuyeva, L., and R. Guensler (2008).  “Access and Egress Treatments on HOT Lane Systems: Scoping Report.” Prepared for the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, Atlanta, GA.  Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; June.
  5.  Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Final Report” (GTI – R – 99005); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; April.
  6. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Test Plans and Results” (GTI – R – 99004); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; March.
  7. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Literature Review” (GTI – R – 99001); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; February.
  8. Wolf, J. , R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Project Overview and Functional Specifications” (GTI – R – 99002); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; February.
  9. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Technical Specifications and Analysis” (GTI – R – 99003); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; February.

Poster Sessions

  1. Guensler, R., M. Hunter, J. Laval, A. Guin, V. Elango, and P. Vu (2011).  Atlanta HOV-to-HOT Corridor Performance Monitoring (P11-0548).  90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Session 559, Road Pricing and Managed Lanes Showcase: Lessons from Projects and Case Studies; Washington, DC; January 2011.
  2. Wood, N., R. Guensler, and V. Elango (2011).  Assessing the Marginal Cost of Freeway Congestion for Vehicle Fleets Using Passive GPS Data (P11-0530).  90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Session 560, Road Pricing and Managed-Lane Research: New Tools and Promise for the Future; Washington, DC; January 2011.
    Toups, D., P. Vu, and R. Guensler, (2011); Pricing Implications of Combining User Fee and Credit Programs Across Multiple Transportation Modes (P11-0539).  90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Session 560, Road Pricing and Managed-Lane Research: New Tools and Promise for the Future; Washington, DC; January 2011.
  3. Barringer, J., C. Ross, R. Guensler, and L. Zuyeva (2009).  “Perceptions of Equity Issues with Congestion Pricing in the Metropolitan Atlanta Region.”  88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Session 623, Congestion Pricing Research: Laying the Foundation for the Future; Washington, DC; January.
  4. Xu, Y., V. Elango, L. Zuyeva, R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2008).  “Commute Atlanta Pricing Response Trends.”  87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Session 251, Advancements in Congestion Pricing; Washington, DC; January 2008.Ko, J., and R. Guensler (2005).  “Variability in Traffic Flow Quality Experienced by Drivers: Evidences from Instrumented Vehicles.” Georgia Tech Graduate Student Research Symposium; Atlanta, GA; April.