Consent to Participate in the Express Lane Commute Survey

You are being asked to volunteer for a research study collecting commute travel data. The goal of the survey is to identify whether individuals changed their morning commute after the Express Lanes opened on I-85 on October 1, 2011. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You are not likely to benefit by joining this study, but we hope that survey results will help in planning future transportation systems. There is no compensation for participation, but also no cost to you, other than your time. Confidentiality is ensured by storing any personal information and responses in a secure server accessible only to specific persons involved with this research. Study records will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law.

  •          Your participation is voluntary
  •          You may keep this consent information card
  •          You do not waive any of your legal rights by being in the study
  •          Completion of this survey provides your participation consent

Participation in this study involves minimal risk. Neither the Principal Investigator nor Georgia Institute of Technology has made provision for payment of costs associated with any injury resulting from participation in this study. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dr. Randall Guensler at (404) 894-0405 or . If you have any questions about your rights as a survey participant, please contact Ms. Melanie Clark, Office of Research Integrity Assurance, (404) 894-6942. If you complete the survey, it means that you have read (or have had read to you) the above information and would like to volunteer in this study. Thank you for your participation.