Commute Atlanta

Articles in Refereed Archival Journals

  1. Ogle, J., J. Ko, and Randall Guensler (manuscript).  “Travel Diary Underreporting in the Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle Study”; Journal of the American Planning Association.
  2. Ko, J., R. Guensler, and M. Hunter (in press).  “Variability in Traffic Flow Quality Experienced by Drivers: Evidence from Instrumented Vehicles”; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  3. Jun, J., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (in press).  “Smoothing Methods Designed to Minimize the Impact of GPS Random Error on Travel Distance, Speed, and Acceleration Profile Estimates”; Transportation Research Record; National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  4. Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005).  “An Analysis of Morning Commute Route Choice Patterns Using GPS Based Vehicle Activity Data”; Transportation Research Record; 1926; pp. 162-170. National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  5. Wu, H, J. Lee, M. Hunter, R. Fujimoto, R. Guensler, and J. Ko (2005).  “Efficiency of Simulated Vehicle-to-Vehicle Message Propagation in Atlanta, Georgia, I-75 Corridor”; Transportation Research Record; No. 1910; pp. 82-89.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  6. Li, H., R. Guensler, J. Ogle, and J. Wang (2004). “Using Global Positioning System Data to Understand Day-to-Day Dynamics of Morning Commute Behavior”; Transportation Research Record; No. 1895; pp. 78-84.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  7. Guensler, R., A. Amekudzi, J. Williams, S. Mergelsberg, and J. Ogle (2003).  “Current State Regulatory Support for Pay-as-You-Drive Automobile Insurance Options”; Journal of Insurance Regulation; Vol. 21, No. 3; Spring; pp. 31.
  8. Ogle, J., R. Guensler, W. Bachman, M. Koutsak, and J. Wolf (2002).  “Accuracy of GPS for Determining Driver Performance Parameters”; Transportation Research Record; No. 1818; pp. 12-24.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  9. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, and W. Bachman (2001).  “Elimination of the Travel Diary: Experiment to Derive Trip Purpose from GPS Travel Data”; Transportation Research Record; No. 1768; pp. 125-134.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.
  10. Grant, C., B. Gillis, and R. Guensler (1999).  “Collection of Vehicle Activity Data by Video Detection for use in Transportation Planning”; ITS Journal; Volume 5, Number 4.
  11. Wolf, J., S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, R. Guensler, and W. Sarasua (1999).  “Accuracy Issues with Personal Travel Route Data Using GPS/GIS”.  Transportation Research Record; No. 1660; pp. 66-74.  National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC.

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings (full paper review)

  1. Nelson, J. I., H. Li, R. Guensler (submitted manuscript). “A Geographic and Demographic Profile of Morning Rush Hour Commuters on Highways in North Metropolitan Atlanta”; 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2008.
  2. Elango, V., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle. Day-To-Day Travel Variability in the Commute Atlanta Study.  86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  3. Jun, J., J. Ogle, and R. Guensler.  Relationships between Crash Risk and Temporal-Spatial Travel Distances Using GPS Instrumented Vehicles.  86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  4. Jun, J., J. Ogle, and R. Guensler. Assessing Mileage Exposure and Speed Behavior Among Older Drivers Based on Crash Involvement Status.  86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  5. Ko, J., Hunter, M., and Guensler, R. Measurement of Control Delay Using Second-by-Second GPS Speed Data, 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  6. Li, H., R. Guensler and J. Jun. “Long-Distance Travel Analysis Based on 2004 Commute Atlanta Data.  86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  7. Zuehlke, K. and R. Guensler.  Employer Perception of Employer-Based Trip Reduction Program Implementation.  86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2007.
  8. Yoon, S., V. Elango, R. Guensler, and S. Kimbrough (2006); “Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Engine Load Estimation:  Development of Vehicle Activity Optimization Algorithms”; Air and Waste Management Association, 99th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June 2006.
  9. Jun, J., S. Yoon, and R. Guensler (2006); “Impacts of Acceleration Calculation Methods on Onroad Vehicle Engine Power Estimation”; Air and Waste Management Association, 99th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June 2006.
  10. Ko, J., R. Guensler, M. Hunter, and H. Li (2006).  “Instrumented Vehicle Measured Speed Variation and Freeway Traffic Congestion”;  Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, held in Chicago, IL.  American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.  August, 2006.
  11. Li H., R. Guensler and J. Ogle (2006). “Impact of Objective Route Attributes on the Choice of Primary Morning Commute Route”; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
  12.  S. Schönfelder, H. Li, R. Guensler, J. Ogle, K.W. Axhausen (2006).  “Analysis of Commute Atlanta Instrumented Vehicle GPS Data: Destination Choice Behavior and Activity Spaces”; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January, 2006.
  13. Lee, J., M. Hunter, J. Ko, R. Guensler, and H.K. Kim, (2005), “Large-Scale Microscopic Simulation Model Development Utilizing Macroscopic Travel Demand Model Data”, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 02-04.
  14. Feng, C., L. DeHart-Davis, and R. Guensler (2005); Survey Design and Preliminary Results for Atlanta Employer Commute Options Survey; Air and Waste Management Association, 98th Annual Meeting Proceedings (CD-ROM); Pittsburgh, PA; June.
  15. Ko, J. and R. Guensler (2005); Characterization of Congestion Based on Speed Distribution:  A Statistical Approach Using Gaussian Mixture Model; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
  16. Li, H., R. Guensler, and J. Ogle (2005).  Comparing Women’s and Men’s Morning Commute Trip Chaining in Atlanta, Georgia; Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Conference Proceedings 35; Volume 2: Technical Papers.  Transportation Research Board of the National Academies; Washington, DC.
  17.  Ko, J. and R. Guensler (2004); Application of the GARCH Model for Depicting Driver Acceleration Behavior on Freeways; Published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; January.
  18. Guensler, R., B. Williams, and J. Ogle (2002).  “The Role of Instrumented Vehicle Data in Transportation Decision Making”; Fourth International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. London, England.  November 2002.

Peer-Reviewed NRC, NAS, NCHRP, FHWA, and EPA Reports

  1. Guensler, R., S. Yoon, and H. Li.  “Atlanta Commute Vehicle Soak/Start Time Distributions and Engine Starts per Day and Their Impacts on Mobile Source Emissions Analysis.”  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Research Triangle Park, NC.

Non-Refereed Journal Publications

  1. Guensler, R. (2004).  Atlanta’s Comprehensive Travel Data Collection Effort;  TMIPConnection: The Travel Model Improvement Program Newsletter; Issue 19, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; Spring.

Non-Refereed Conference and Workshop Proceedings

  1. Guensler, R. (2007).  “Atlanta’s Vehicle Instrumentation and Activity Monitoring Programs:  2007 Status Report”; 17th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.
  2. Nelson, J. I., H. Li, R. Guensler. (2007) “The Spatial Accuracy of Geocoding Methods in Transportation Planning”; TRB Planning Applications Conference, Daytona Beach, FL; May.

Poster Sessions

  1. Kall, D., V. Pandey, J. Indech-Nelson, and R. Guensler (2007).  “The Impact of Vehicle Fleet Characteristics on Emissions Outputs from MOBILE6”; 17th Annual On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop, San Diego, CA; Coordinating Research Council; Atlanta, GA; March.

Related Technical and Policy Reports

  1. Dehart-Davis, L., R. Guensler, and C. Feng (2006); “2004 Commute Options Survey Results for the Atlanta Metropolitan Area”; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; April.
  2. Wolf, J., R. Guensler, S. Washington, W. Sarasua, C. Grant, S. Hallmark, M. Oliveira, M. Koutsak, R. Thittai, R. Funk, J. Hsu (1999).  “Development of a Comprehensive Vehicle Instrumentation Package for Monitoring Individual Tripmaking Behavior – Final Report” (GTI – R – 99005); Georgia Transportation Institute; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta, GA; April.

PhD Dissertations

  1. Hainan Li
  2. Jennifer Ogle
  3. Joonho Ko
  4. Jungwook Jun